Mental Health Upskilling - The Why and The How.

With a roundup of courses to upskill your team.


Mental Health skills can range from formal certifications, to simple old fashioned listening.

They are particularly pertinent right now, to help manage the after-effects of lockdown. Work from home has it’s benefits, but may also have caused heightened stress due to the blurring of boundaries between work and down time, and also increased feelings of isolation or loneliness, as we traded social workspaces for our kitchen islands with daytime tv in the background…

Whatever the issue, we can help by checking in with each other.

This is a great way to enhance your culture of inclusion too; MH support is like essential maintenance for your team, in terms of individual wellness and communal culture. Companies that care build an environment where people belong, which has a direct impact on your attrition levels, supporting stronger internal relations and growth.

Lastly - it’s a way to boost our performance. Professional skills like listening, communication, building relationships, focus, creativity, agile thinking and problem solving, can all be compromised by poor mental health. The truth is, when we stop feeling that we like our jobs, we disengage and performance suffers.

Your Industry

You might have guessed it already - the point here, dear readers, is that whatever your industry, Mental health skills are always important. That’s because mental health issues can arise across all different workspaces and disciplines.

To use a first hand example:

At Orbis, the majority of our team are recruiters, which means we need to be able to communicate well, build great relationships, understand and be understood all day every day, plus manage our stress and maintain energy in a fast paced environment and sometimes unpredictable role.

This requires a balancing act of positivity, focus, rest and reward. When you think about just how fine a balance that really is, we can all do with a helping hand from time to time. 

Relying on colleagues to spot signs of exhaustion or disengagement can add a level of reassurance; a Mental Health First Aider will be trained to handle this responsibility effectively while being mindful of their own wellbeing.

We are also immersed in the tech industry, which has its own set of challenges. 

While it’s an innovative, creative and meritocratic field of work that can be incredibly fulfilling, like anywhere else, it’s still not devoid of its pressures. 

We must remind ourselves that you can love your job and experience stress, we’re allowed to feel both at once. 

Up to 52% of tech workers have experienced anxiety or depression at some point, whether related to work or not. One study found that people working in tech are five times more depressed than the UK average - this is a testament to the value of Mental health skills at work; they help us to identify and remedy the root cause of stats like this.

A roundup of Courses available

MH First Aid


Become a trained point of contact within the team, who colleagues can approach to talk about their mental health struggles. The MHFA framework covers Prevention, Early Intervention, and Signposting to Support.

Who -

Anyone on your team who is eager to train and act as a source of support.


MHFA England

Managing Mental Health at Work

What -

A CPD accredited course in how to recognise the signs that a staff member is in need of support, and what you can do to help. 

Who -

Those in formal or informal managerial positions; line managers etc.

Where -

Mind Charity

Customer support and mental health


Aims to increase understanding of mental health problems, their impacts on your customers, clients or contacts, and how you may be able to support them.


Anyone in contact with customers, clients and contacts in their daily job, either face to face or over the phone.


Mind Charity

Psychological First Aid


Globally recommended training for supporting people during emergencies and psychosocial care in the immediate aftermath. A three-week online course on how to offer emotional support and coping strategies.


Anybody professionally in contact with those affected by a crisis - which right now could apply to all of us.


A Public Health England course, delivered by Futurelearn, free online

Positive Mental Health at work


Outlines common conditions, practical tips, how to spot warning signs, support after return-to-work and how to give or seek advice.


There are two versions of this course- - tailored to employees and to managers.


Engage in Learning 

There are countless other Mental Health training programmes out there, as well as plenty covering D&I topics too. Platforms like Engage in Learning cover everything from Bullying and Harassment to Unconscious Bias for Managers, Whistleblowing to New and Expectant Mothers.

You may want to take stock of the diversity, circumstances and roles across your team, and then address those specific areas, or start more generally by appointing a Mental Health First Aider in your office.

In any case, the value of MH qualifications is a convenient, affordable and effective way to support your team. Take a minute to explore these options as a first step towards boosting your Mental Health skillset now.


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